Last night we took all of the boys to the For King & Country Christmas concert. This was our first concert experience as a family, and I am so glad it was this one. When I purchased these concert tickets a few months ago, I didn’t really even pay attention to who the band was. I […]

DIY Peppermint Sugar Scrub!
Here’s an easy DIY project that doubles as a great gift! Give this DIY Peppermint Sugar Scrub a try! DIY Peppermint Sugar Scrub Ingredients: 2 cups white or cane sugar 1/4 cup coconut oil (use more or less depending on desired consistency) Natural Red food coloring (you can also use regular food coloring if you wish) […]

Video: How To Make A Ninja Hat From A T-Shirt!
I ran across this video this morning, and I realized that I didn’t have it posted here. This was two years ago, and honestly I can’t believe how much Eli has changed. My little guys are still recognizable, but Eli is turning into quite the young man right before my eyes. Eli is such a […]

Transition One Look – From Everyday To The Gym!
I have a confession to make. I love yoga pants. Seriously, I have issues with athletic clothes. I love them. I live in them. And up until a few months ago, I did just about everything but work out in them. Ever since I stopped working outside of my house (mid-triplet pregnancy or so), my […]

52 Week Money Saving Challenge – Printable Worksheets {Traditional and Reverse Order}!
Looking for an easy way to save a little mad money this year? If so, join me in the 52 Week Money Saving Challenge! The 52 Week Money Saving Challenge is an easy way to set aside some cash throughout the year. You contribute a small amount each week, and by the end of year […]

DIY Mason Jar Reindeer Noses!
Here’s a super fun and easy DIY Christmas Craft – Mason Jar Reindeer Noses! These make for a fun gift idea for teachers, neighbors, friends and coworkers. I love getting hand made gifts. They are so much more personal. Plus, these are so easy, even the kids can make them. {They’ll have fun doing it, too!} […]