Have you ever been “Boo-ed”?
I just love this Halloween tradition, and I almost forgot about it this year! That is, until my doorbell rang last night at almost 9:00! The look on one of my littles faces when he opened the door to find only a purple pumpkin full of candy on the doorstep, was absolutely priceless.
I thought I would share the link for the materials in case you wanted to get this started in your neighborhood this year. There’s even an office version in case you’d like to do this at work!
It’s super fun, and so EASY!
- Print a Color or Black & White “BOO” sheet and include it with a fun treat. {It doesn’t have to be food… get creative!}
- Leave it on someone’s door step, ring the bell, and Run Run Run!
- Once you’ve been Boo’ed, cut out the ghost and place it on or near your door so you won’t be Boo-ed again.
Before long you will have a neighborhood full of ghosts!
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