We transitioned out of cribs back in February. I have to say I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well they’ve done! I mean, sure… I’m still spending time in a bunk bed every night until they fall asleep, and they don’t nap, but at least they aren’t sleeping with me in MY bed anymore. Well… most of the time they’re not, anyway. Luke’s been waking up again during the night the last few nights, and it’s either he come back with me, or I stay with him. Truth be told, his bed isn’t all that comfortable! The other 2 are sleeping all night long. Two out of three ain’t bad, right?
Once everyone is fast asleep (usually within 15 minutes, unless someone has taken a snooze in the car) I sneak out. It’s not so bad… I take advantage of the almost-quiet, and catch up on Facebook from my phone. Of course, given I am on the west coast now and most of my FB friends are in Texas, and on the east coast… that’s not always a great idea (reality TV). No less than 20 people posted Idol SPOILERS last night, haha!
He was snoring, and out cold, so I left him there for the night.
Imagine my surprise, when I was awaken (at 5AM) by Luke screaming at the top of his lungs. This wasn’t his ‘Mommy’ cry to come and get him. OH NO. This was him screaming VERY ANGRILY (and did I mention LOUD?) for Eli to GET OUT OF HIS BED!!! “E-I…. GET OUT!!! E-I!!! MY BED, E-I!!!” Once I clued in to what it was he was saying, I couldn’t help but laugh. It was actually quite funny. Luke didn’t think so, but his passionate, over-the-top reaction was absolutely hysterical to listen to, even at the crack of dawn. (It didn’t phase E one bit. That child could sleep through a freight train.)
Needless to say Luke came back to my bed… AGAIN. I know he’s too little to put two and two together and realize the irony in this, but I’m taking NOTES!
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