Every day at my house is like groundhog day. I never know what day it is anymore, especially when Matt works through the weekends. Every day is the same, only different (?). We wake up, get dressed, play, eat, play again, unload the dishwasher, blog, facebook, play, eat again… then it’s nap time. Nap time is MY time. Unfortunately Aidan only sleeps an hour, but at least it’s something, right? I have just enough time to take my shower, dry my hair, and work on the laundry, before he wakes up. Some days he ‘helps’ me in the laundry room, depending on where I’m at in the process, when he wakes up. (I do on average 2-3 large loads a day, otherwise small mountains start to appear in there, making it difficult to maneuver through.)
Yesterday when I made my way into the laundry room, my bare feet were greeted by a vaguely familiar, very fine, invisible-to-the-naked-eye… ‘grit‘. Ahhh… nothing like the feeling of fresh SAND on your clean bare feet against the tile floor. I looked up to see a pile of beach towels and bathing suits mounded in the corner, and it dawned on me that I’d better get used to this.
Our weekend was pretty calm, but we did venture out to dinner on one of the fishing piers on Saturday night, and on Sunday (after various errands) we took the boys to the beach for a bit. Noah & Eli have been dying to try out their boogie boards that Santa brought them, so we finally gave in. It was almost 4:00 by the time we got there, and although it was pretty warm outside, the marine layer was heavy and the water was only 55 degrees. I figured they would try it, realize they were cold, then we would be done. I was almost right. Noah was freezing to the point of his teeth chattering and knees knocking, but he was determined to prove me wrong. Eli didn’t care if it was cold… he’s a California dude now. The ‘littles’ weren’t interested in going in the water, which was nice. Aidan and Liam LOVED playing in the sand. Luke didn’t like the way the sand felt on his feet so he spent the majority of his time on the towel. We did walk up and down the beach as a family. I had to carry Luke… he didn’t want anything to do with the water. (Luke is going through the I’m-afraid-of-EVERYTHING phase right now.). We stayed about an hour and then headed back home for dinner and BATHS.
Here are a few shots from our weekend:
When we were walking down the pier to get to the restaurant we found this guy sitting on the pier rail. He was HUGE… bigger than one of the littles! He was enjoying all of the attention too. He let me get right up in his face to take the picture, and never moved! So cool!
I just had to snap a picture of the beautiful sunset on our way out. The picture just doesn’t do it justice… so beautiful! California dreamin’!
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