Matt & I were living in different states the first couple of months following the birth of the triplets. He tried to come home most weekends, but the majority of the time I was on my own with our 5 boys. Our daytime schedule seemed to fall into place quickly, but nights were challenging. Feeding 3 newborns, even at the same time, isn’t all that hard. It’s the sleep deprivation that will get you. I had one crib in our bedroom that they shared. Each night I would go to bed with the TV on, and I would leave it on through the night. I used the glow of the TV as my nightlight so I could see what I was doing. I was determined to get these guys sleeping through the night as quickly as possible, and the LAST thing I needed to do was turn on lights during the night to feed them. They needed to go right back to sleep so I could do the same. I am not a ‘napper’, not to mention I was trying to run a household by myself, so that wasn’t much of an option anyway. Sleep was a very cherished resource (still is, now that I think of it…).
If any of you have ever tried to watch television in the wee hours of the morning, you must know that there’s not much to choose from, especially something to keep you awake. I got to where I could recite the tag lines for all of the info-mercials. (I am a marketing company’s dream, btw.) Sure, I bought me some of those Green Bags (not a fan), and I still want one of those tomato planter things that you hang from the roof (why not?). I’ve seen all the celebrities before & after Proactive results (tried that too… not a candidate… dries out my skin). Lately I’ve been eyeing that Perfect Brownie pan…. 🙂
After all the info-mercials I’ve seen, there IS one product that I can honestly say I COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT (well, maybe LIVE is a bit of a stretch, but it’s close…). No home with hard floors should be without one of these!
Yep… the Shark Steam Pocket Mop. LOVE this thing. I’m not one for using the blog for product endorsements, but I seriously use this thing several times a week. For those of you that know me, you know that I am ‘anti-carpet’ (and a little OCD…). A big requirement for me when looking for a home is that it have little, or better yet, NO carpet. I have a husband, 5 boys and 2 dogs…. carpet is not my friend. My arch enemy actually. At the same time, mopping is not my friend either…. and forget those Swiffer things. Unfortunately my housekeeper budget has not resurfaced just yet following our move to the great state of expensive California. I’m on my own in that department…. boo! But… this thing is easier to use than my vacuum (which I am not speaking to at the moment because he scratches my very sensitive engineered hardwoods, making cleaning them more difficult, which is another reason I love this product so much)!!! Fill it up with water, plug it in, and GO! EASY.
I literally have to clean the floors (at least sweep/vacuum) of our corralled area (kitchen/dining/family room) AT LEAST once a day, sometimes 2-3 times (did I mention I am OCD???). Toddlers and their travelling snacks, monsoon rains with accompanying puppy footprints…. drive me mad. MAD! I use the Shark on average twice a week…. sometimes more, sometimes less…. depending on what is on the menu, what the weather is like, etc. IT is super fast, and all you need is ordinary tap water. Try it, you’ll like it!
I think they are selling those Perfect Brownie Pans at Target. I might just have to go and get myself one for Valentine’s Day. Maybe I’ll pick up a hanging tomato planter while I’m out.
You know what I have been thinking of getting one of those….seriously! Can you use it on tyle floors too? Girl I LOVE the way your mind works! What about laminate floors? I have looked at that brownie pan too. LOL
ALL hard floor surfaces… tile, laminate, wood… awesome! What's even better is that since it uses steam you don't have to worry about changing cleaners, i.e. to go from wood to tile, etc. 🙂