Ok, so this morning I was joking around because the pants I put on the littles are a tad bit on the ‘short’ side. Today we are sporting Capri pants. We’re not going anywhere, and they’re already dressed, so why not? (Also read… I’m too lazy to go back upstairs to get them something else to wear… and its not worth the wrestling match to get them re-dressed…) One more trip through the laundry cycle and they’re off to our BBB baby friends.
I know they’ve grown quite a bit over the last several months. However, I didn’t realize just how much they’ve grown until I stumbled across this comparison…
September 13, 2009
September 20, 2010
Wow… what a difference a year makes! Straighten this child’s legs out and he’s the entire length of the dog (who has likely grown a bit himself)! And just how ironic is it that I would have a picture of the same child, with the same dog, in the same pose, almost exactly a year apart???
We don’t go back to the pedi for our annual check-up until the end of December. (Thankfully my germ-o-phobic ways mixed with a little luck have kept us out of there since our 2-year well check!) I can’t wait to see their stats… it’s going to be crazy!
For now I’ll just have to rely on Morrie as my measuring stick.
Where have my babies gone???
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