Well… spring break is officially over, and I am happy to report that everyone made it through unscathed. That seemed like the longest 3 week stretch of time, ever!!! Yesterday was N&E’s first day back to school, and they were so excited to see their friends again. They had themselves up, dressed, groomed, and fed, all by 7:30. They were literally watching the clock for it to hit 8:00 so they could load the babies into the car. Life is back to ‘normal’ again.
Remember how we have been ‘hibernating’, and not leaving the house much (at all)? Remember how NICE I said it was? Well, I think we made up for all of that, this past weekend. Other than their initial weekend marathon, multi-state road trip with Matt, N&E’s spring break was pretty relaxing and uneventful. Matt has been spending a crazy amount of time at the office lately (crazy is an understatement), and I think he was feeling a little guilty about them not having ‘fun’ on their break. On Friday afternoon I decided to break out of the house and take all 5 boys on a Target run. I needed some retail therapy, even if it was just to re-stock the pantry from my spring breaker’s ravenous snacking habits. Matt called while we were there, and said he was leaving the office and wanted to do something ‘fun’. While on the phone, I just stared at my cart that was over-filled to the point of something falling out every few feet as I walked. All I could think was how much ‘fun’ I had already been having over the last hour, pushing a triple stroller, while dragging a very heavy cart of goods, and breaking up wrestling matches throughout Target. I obliged though. As we were checking out, he meets us at the register and instantly gives in to N&E’s request for cookies from the Starbucks (the giant ones, of course). They had already had cherry Icee’s, and it was dinner time, but that’s beside the point, right?
By the time we got back home, unloaded all the groceries, changed babies, etc., it was getting late so we opted to just go somewhere ‘new’ for dinner. We ended up at a fun restaurant that had an outdoor patio section upstairs. It was really nice, but as the night went on I was completely stressed out. The littles were over-tired and were surging, which made them not want to ‘sit’. The upstairs patio area was pretty empty, so they ended up running around like wild indians, dodging the tables, patio heaters, the fireplace, & stair-well. I was exhausted by the time we got out of there… but I made sure I got my pecan pie before we left. (Have I mentioned that I have a ridiculously-crazy sweet tooth?)
Rather than giving you the play-by-play for Saturday & Sunday, I will just summarize our various activities, and leave you with a few pics…
- Lunch @ a cool drive-in
- Regional Park
- Train ride
- Horseback rides
- Paddle boat rides
- Zoo
- Boat rental @ Balboa Island
- Picnic lunch on boat
- Ice cream
- Beach
How great is it that we live in a place where we can just decide on a whim to do all these cool things???Needless to say, I spent yesterday catching up on my mountains of laundry… today too, actually. Oh, and I haven’t mentioned just how QUIET my house is. How crazy does that sound with toddler triplet boys? Quiet is relative here at my house…
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