We transitioned out of cribs back in February. I have to say I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how well they’ve done! I mean, sure… I’m still spending time in a bunk bed every night until they fall asleep, and they don’t nap, but at least they aren’t sleeping with me in MY bed anymore. Well… most of […]

Share and Share Alike…
Nothing in this house is mine anymore. Actually it’s not anyone else’s either… that is, except for the 3, three-year-olds that live here. They have laid claim to EVERYTHING. Let’s face it, they run the household. Poor Morrie can’t even find a quiet place to sit, anymore. The look on his face just cracks me up… I […]
If You Feed Them Pancakes For Dinner…
I generally love to cook. However, tonight I just didn’t feel like cooking anything glamorous. I decided to make something easy, that I knew all the kids would eat. I settled on pancakes. Pancakes for dinner… why not? Hold that thought. I mixed up a double batch of pancake mix and started flipping them on […]

Triple Zzzzzzzzzz’s…
The littles dropped their nap a few months ago. BOY, do I miss naps. Nap time used to be ‘Mommy time’. It’s a simple equation… NO naps = NO mommy time!!! Considering they wake up with the chickens, finding time for myself is difficult these days. Showers are overrated anyway, right (%$#@!)? Yet, if I happen to […]

Fun For A Buck…
Today, I did it. I broke out the macaroni necklaces. These little people were climbing the walls today, so I figured they needed an activity. I had picked up some pipe cleaners from Target a few weeks ago, and of course I always have LOTS of pasta on hand, considering Noah doesn’t eat much else. Now, if […]

No explanation necessary…