These little people were climbing the walls today, so I figured they needed an activity.
I had picked up some pipe cleaners from Target a few weeks ago, and of course I always have LOTS of pasta on hand, considering Noah doesn’t eat much else.
Now, if I were a ‘good’ mom, I would have allowed them to paint the noodles first. Guess I won’t be getting that award this year. These boys are not ready for PAINT. Oh no… not even water colors. You should have seen the artistic masterpieces (with YOGURT) that I had to remove from the table before we started this today. Paint? (insert hysterical laughter here…).
Despite the simplicity stringing of macaroni onto pipe cleaners, they LOVED it… and it kept them busy for a good 30 minutes. I even found them back in the kitchen trying to make more on their own.
We spent a big part of the afternoon trying on our jeweled necklaces, headbands, and bracelets. (Yes, I wore them too.)
You might have noticed that Luke is missing from the pictures. He definitely participated, and he loved every minute of it. However, when I finally got around to snapping a few pics with my phone, sweet Luke was off trying to get his Daddy to put on HIS assortment of beautiful jewelry, made especially for him.
Wish I had a picture of THAT!!!
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